Get Your JSON On

JSON is a standard of data interchange that can be very handy for getting information into and out of an app. By Parsing in JSON from the outside world an app can dynamically display new information such as the latest weather, sports scores or travel information. There are many exciting API JSON feeds out there that make it possible to build an app capable of accessing information in real time over a network connect.

Diving into Swift Extensions

Extensions in Swift can provide an elegant and organized way to add functionality to structs, enums, classes and protocols. They can add intent and readability to the code, paving the way for glowing Swift poetry, choirs of singing angels and world peace*. A great way to get rolling with extensions is to see how they can be used to enhance an existing struct in the Swift standard library. This post will cover how to add simple computed properties and create an extension to group measurement unit conversions in an app. *best case scenario

Structs, What Are They Good For?

There are four scrumptious flavors of named types in Swift: protocols, enumerations, structures and classes – all custom data types that can be created and given a name. Of these, enums, classes and structs can be used to model data, protocols being used to tell the others how to behave. The choice between using a struct and a class has some interesting nuances. The hope of this post is to clear up these murky waters leaving us in a golden shower of data model clarity!

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling

Rick Astley

An Introductory Romp in The Garden of Enumerations

A little known fact* is that the inspiration behind the 1987 chart topper “Never Gonna Give You Up” came in the form of assembly code delivered to Rick Astley while in a feverish dream state. The prevailing message of this lucid epiphany came as an enumeration:  *possibly made up enum ThingsRickAstleyWontDo { case GiveYouUp case LetYouDown case RunAround case DesertYou } // Implementation // assign the type ThingsRickAstleyWontDo to the variable var heIsNeverGoingTo = ThingsRickAstleyWontDo.GiveYouUp heIsNeverGoingTo = .LetYouDown heIsNeverGoingTo = .RunAround heIsNeverGoingTo = .DesertYou Out of the box Swift comes with a collection of built in data types for your declarative pleasure; Int, String, Double, Array etc… but Swift also allows you to define your own custom data types.

Rapid List

Rapid List is approved and live in the app store! My goal was to create an easy to use practical list app for iPhone/iPad. A focus being on enabling the user to modify and use their lists with a minimal number of taps (leaving more time to actually complete things on their to-do list).