Getters and Setters Described Using Letters

Values are associated with classes, structs and enums using properties. Properties can come in two forms, the simplest being a stored property. Thankfully Swift makes life a little simpler than in the Objective-C world by doing away with instance variables. In Swift the functionality of Objective-C iVars and properties are brought together into a single property declaration.  This comes as either a constant (let) or variable (var) and can be assigned a default value where they’re declared, or thair value can be set or modified at initialization.

Diving into Swift Extensions

Extensions in Swift can provide an elegant and organized way to add functionality to structs, enums, classes and protocols. They can add intent and readability to the code, paving the way for glowing Swift poetry, choirs of singing angels and world peace*. A great way to get rolling with extensions is to see how they can be used to enhance an existing struct in the Swift standard library. This post will cover how to add simple computed properties and create an extension to group measurement unit conversions in an app. *best case scenario